Building resilience during Covid-19

“If you don’t take time out for your wellness, you’ll be forced to take time out for illness”.


Read that again. It’s a striking quote, isn’t it?

The Covid-19 pandemic has created significant stress and pressure for employees and managers alike. How do you manage to recharge during these challenging times?

Our top tips to recharge are:

  • Take time out to recover when you can. Whether it is purposely taking time out before an important meeting or making sure you take time/days off. The benefits of doing so will enable you to be more relaxed and recharged, it gives you a chance to gather your thoughts and go into your next working day with a positive attitude.
  • Understand how you recharge. Everyone is different. Some people gain energy from being around others, some gain it by being alone. Some people recover by going to the gym, others by sitting on the sofa. Consider what helps you recharge, and make sure you get enough of it.
  • Create structure. Many people have struggled since working from home, due to the lack of structure. Build a structure that works for yourself, and decide when you’re “on” the clock and “off” it.  Some people find it helps to create separate work/leisure areas and to stick rigidly to these. One of our time management tips is to understand when you are most efficient.  Is it the first thing, after lunch, or later in the evening? If your workplace allows, consider offsetting your work to match when you work.
  • Get away from technology. There’s a growing belief that we have become dopamine-dependent due to our over-reliance on technology. Make a point of getting away from this, and towards creating serotonin (the happy chemical) by spending time with loved ones.